Practical information

Conference location


Monasterium Poortackere

Oude Houtlei 56,
9000 Gent,


Poortackere is a beautiful hotel/conference location, situated in a former 19th century monastery. Located quite centrally in Ghent, it is the ideal base to discover the historical city.




You can book your stay in hotel Monasterium Poortackere. If you use the code “EARLI SIG CONGRES”, you will get a 10% discount.

Of course Ghent also offers other nice hotels. Use this link to find other nearby hotels.




There are no specific COVID-19 restrictions applicable to the conference. The epidemiological situation in Belgium is currently quite good, and can be monitored here. Nevertheless, we will provide desinfecting hand-gel in all rooms, and monitor the ventilation. The conference rooms are quite large. Mouth masks are not required, but please feel free to wear one if you prefer this. If needed, you can get a surgical mask at the registration desk. If you have symptoms and/or (self-)tested positive, please do not come to the conference.

Generally, in Belgium, if you would need to visit a (medical) doctor or a pharmacy, you will be asked to wear a mouth-nose mask. Most shops offer the possibility to desinfect your hands (and shopping basket) at the entrance.

Further up-to-date information can be found here.  Also, do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.